
Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

Naturalistic Tattoos


Story : Flowers, suitable prettiest tattoo for women. is not surprising every woman yearn to be made flower tattoo art in the body. Beauty wrap her body beautiful and full of charm that gives the attractiveness of a man.

Value of Art : Great.


Story : Tree, suitable prettiest tattoo for women. is not surprising every woman yearn to be made flower tattoo art in the body. Beauty wrap her body beautiful and full of charm that gives the attractiveness of a man.

Value of Art : Great.

Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Gambar Masukan tok

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Abstraks Tattos 3D


Story : This tattoo depicts a woman who expects a man to hug and love her. But, she could not force a man that will love him .

Value of Art : Great


Story : This tattoo describes the logo of the tribe of ancient civilizations ..... incredible, this tattoo looks like carving a prominent fore ... it symbolizes self sturdiness, strong, never give up ........

Value of Art : Amazing


Story : This tattoo describes the combination of human, bat, bull and tiger ....
to symbolize the strength of his belief.

Value of Art : Better


Story : Dragon is a general term for a form of mythological creatures giant reptile. This creature appears in many cultures. In general intangibles large snake, but some are described as winged lizard.

This tattoo symbolizes the forces of nature, especially hurricanes. considered to have good properties as long as he has always respected, usually the holy spirit incarnated in the form of a small dragon and infiltrate into the earth to undergo sleep in a long time. After his great start, he got up and flew towards heaven.
(In Chinese tradition)

Value of Art : Great


Story : This tattoo does not seem interesting instead? but try to look at it carefully, this tattoo is remarkable because it contains elements of the Golden Ratio.

Value of Art : Good

Selasa, 30 April 2013

Kumpulan Gambar Sistar

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Sistar Video Clip Oficial

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Tambahan Like Facebook Kagem Panjenengan Sedoyo Mawon ....

Hai Jempolerzz ... sugeng enjang, Sonten, Lan ndalu ..... berbagi ilmu kembali brsama ane SêêThîñg Øf TrøßlêMâkêr & Agitya CyberArt Crew Orang Super Goblok ...... hahahaha ^.^

brhbng para Hacker Indonesi G mau pake Cause dikarenakan Spam .... yach pazti lah si Aswin (master Heuker Indonesia) hoohohoh {lebay} memblokir para heuker indonesia msk k Lubang Neraka ... ya jadi ane cari² ndri cara msk auto like tnpa msk Cause ... g usah panjang Bibir .... langsung aje dah ..... Lambat Ane .... hohohoh .... ne caranya :

1. Buka 2 site ini ... new tab aj ya Broo : RepubLik Mlenthink, MocksLuphErna&AgityaLuphYeni

2. Setelah itu update status baru kamoe MAz Bloo .... tapi di Buat Publick status, Contoh nya ne :

3. olrite Hajar RepubLik Mlenthink ... ntar ada "GET ACCESS TOKEN > [PC/Laptop] Atau [Mobile]" klik aj tuh Maz Bloo ntar kluar app .. izinkan ae, kalo gak kluar app (aplikasi) nya y udah ... lanjut ke

4. kalo udah, acces token nya kayak gini maksudnya copy paste dari AAA nyampe blakang tanda &

5. masukan token nya di sini MocksLuphErna&AgityaLuphYeni kalo dah submit

6. Keluar post Liker , coment liker dll. ambil aj yg Post Liker

7. keluar -Insert post id for likes-

8. langkah brktna mncri Id Update status ente Gan ..... gini² ....

9. Suruh temen Ente Like ato coment Gan .......... Entar Kalo uda ada Notification ... klik kanan Open LInk New Tab tuh notif nya ..... Buka Link Yg Td di New Tab , Ntar kluar Kayak Gini :

tuh kan ada Angka² kan ?? hahaha itu ID Status ente Maz BLooo ... Sukses dapet Id Status ente ......

10. Masukin Tu No seri Id Status Ente Maz / Mbak BLoo Ke Langkah No.7 tadi ..... Tinggal Klik SubMit ... haha Berreezz ..... ^.^\

Berhubung itu Like nya Ala ane end Rekan ane gan .... hmm sory bgt lo ... cuman g nyampe Like 100++ Maap ya .... Lumayan kan dpt 70 Likers ... ya.... ^_^

-Selamat Mencoba-

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Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Sweet Girl Lorik

Sweet Girl Lorik

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